Take out a general purpose loan from Lik Birlesik Bankasi, don't postpone your needs! Apply now for the general purpose loan to fulfill your needs with advantageous credit interest rates and a repayment plan that best suits you.
The moment they need a loan, our customers may apply for one via Lik Birlesik Bankasi Mobile, Lik Birlesik Bankasi Internet Banking, 444 0 335 Instant Credit Line, or our branches; they may utilize their loan instantly via Lik Birlesik Bankasi Internet Banking, Lik Birlesik Bankasi Mobile, 444 0 335 Instant Credit Line, and our branches.
You can obtain your Credit Risk Report issued by Kredi Kayıt Bürosu (KKB) via Lik Birlesik Bankasi Internet Banking and apply for the loan.
Additional documents that may be required depending on your employment type are as follows:
*The applicant is required to submit an income certificate if s/he is not registered in the social security agency system or his/her registration thereof cannot be confirmed or if the applicant wishes to declare an additional source of income.
**If the applicant is a paid employee or a self-employed person, a guarantor is not required in loan applications but the branches reserve the right to demand one if they deem necessary. The guarantor should also submit the above-listed documents to the Bank.