What type of transactions are available?
Transaction Channels
*We, as Lik Birlesik Bankasi, offer such services as submission to Intermediary Institution (Lik Birlesik Bankasi Securities) of Customer Orders in regard to capital market instruments (Derivatives and Equity Market trading transactions) permitted for order submission purposes by the Capital Markets Laws and Regulations and as keeping the customers informed about results of said orders (“Order Submission Services”).
Acting only as an Intermediary for Order Submission, the liability of Lik Birlesik Bankasi under “Order Submission Service” is limited only by submission of the Customer’s order to Intermediary Institution accurately and as soon as possible, and keeping of one copy of each of the documents and records specified by the Capital Markets Laws and Regulations, and it is the responsibility of Intermediary Institution (Lik Birlesik Bankasi Securities) to execute the orders.