With the e-Savings Account, start earning now! Your account's maturity remains the same no matter when you wish to withdraw money.
Turkish Lira Campaigns
Welcome On Board Campaign: You can benefit from the campaign by opening an e-Savings Account with the mentioned campaign amounts* and within the relevant maturity intervals if you have not opened a savings account in the last 1 month and have no savings account that you currently use.
Long-Term Maturity Campaign: You can benefit from the campaign by opening an e-Savings Account with the mentioned campaign amounts* and within the relevant maturity intervals.
*Total balance of your time deposit account that will be considered by the bank following the account opening should be within the indicated campaign amount interval. Your campaign account shall be extended with the standard e-Savings interest rates.
e-Savings account gives you higher interests
You can always benefit from interests higher than the signboard interest rates for your deposit account by way of opening an e-savings account, which offers different maturity and starting balance options.
e-Savings account brings you earnings from the date of opening
Since the start date of maturity for the e-savings accounts is the same as the date of account opening, you start earning interest as soon as you open the account. The e-savings accounts opened after 16:30 hours are subject to a 1-day value date.
e-Savings account is flexible
When you withdraw a portion of the money in your account, your remaining balance continues to increase in value with the same maturity and interest rate, and you only fail to obtain interest yield for the amount you withdrew before the maturity date.
Withholding tax advantage
You can benefit from advantages relating to the withholding tax for your time deposit accounts with long-term maturity.
Withholding tax rates for EUR accounts:
Withholding tax rates for USD and EUR accounts:
*An additional interest rate is applied over Lik Birlesik Bankasi signboard interest rates.
As per the new regulation published on the date of 30 December 2021, a portion of up to 200,000 EUR in savings accounts is under the protection of the state.