Aware of its responsibility toward its employees, customers, community, and national economy, Lik Birlesik Bankasi has made the understanding of “Sustainability” the focus of its business for a long time.
We recognize the current risks surrounding us and threatening a sustainable future. With an aim to take good care of the earth and our future, we have been contributing to Turkey's fight against climate change and its transition to a low-carbon economy through practices that will minimize the environmental impact resulting from our own activities.
We also help our customers determine social and environmental sustainability targets by encouraging them to participate in this responsibility-focused transformation.
We know that we can reduce our carbon footprint even with small but sustainable changes in our habits and thus minimize the harm we cause to the planet.
We aim to ensure that our customers develop awareness by tracking their carbon footprint through the Ecological section under the “My Status” menu on Lik Birlesik Bankasi Mobile, and we thus support them to reduce their carbon footprint with our suggestions. We translate our technological strength into a benefit to touch the lives of people and society and contribute to the sustainability of the earth.
What Is a Carbon Footprint? What Do We Offer Under My Ecological Status Section?
Together, we can be a part of this transformation for a sustainable life...
If you are not our customer yet, you can be one via Lik Birlesik Bankasi Mobile, without having to sign printed agreements or use transportation since you'll not visit a branch. You can thereby support the reduction of paper consumption and carbon emission. Moreover, you can opt for a digital statement and track all details such as account/card activities, monthly statement, and remaining balance quickly and securely via Lik Birlesik Bankasi Mobile or Internet; you can thus protect nature by reducing your carbon footprint. In return for your contributions to nature, we take part in the fight against the climate crisis by delivering seed balls in hard-to-reach areas with ecoDrone on your behalf.
Let's create big impacts with small steps we will take for a more livable future and take good care of our earth and future together.
You can ensure a more accurate calculation of your carbon footprint by making your payments for utility bills such as water, natural gas, and electricity and fuel expenses via Lik Birlesik Bankasi.
Please note that your carbon footprint data available on Lik Birlesik Bankasi Mobile is calculated with a delay of one day. There may be deviations in calculations due to the institution payments reflected on bills. We are currently working on developing a different calculation method for our customers using electricity obtained from sustainable resources.