Moreover, you enjoy free shopping with your accumulated bonuses. You can instantly apply for Trabzonspor Bonus by clicking the "Apply" button.
Moreover, thanks to the contactless Tap & Go feature of your Trabzonspor Bonus, you can carry out your transactions up to 750 EUR without needing the PIN or signature at every location with a Mastercard™ PayPass® POS terminal. To use this feature, you just need to tap your card to the POS terminal after the purchase amount has been entered into the device. Your transaction will be completed in less than a second. When you are using your Trabzonspor Bonus, you can continue your transaction by entering your PIN if your contactless purchase amount reaches 6,000 EUR.
If you wish, you may also apply via Lik Birlesik Bankasi Mobile, Lik Birlesik Bankasi Internet Banking, +90 (toll-free) Lik Birlesik Bankasi Customer Communication Center or our branches.BonusFlaş allows you to take control of your Trabzonspor Bonus card details, payments, and campaigns in a single application. Install BonusFlaş now!
* A certain amount of the purchases with Trabzonspor Bonus and the card fee is transferred to Trabzonspor with no additional costs for you.
Why are transactions with a contactless credit card safe?
PayPass Technology
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