For each 1 EUR spent in airlines, duty free and cross border shopping earn 2 miles; for each 1 EUR spent in domestic travel & entertainment earn 0,75 miles, for the rest of domestic spendings earn 0,35 mile for each 1 EUR. In addition to these rates, earn %15 more with your Shop & Fly Gold American Express and %25 more with your Shop & Fly Platinum American Express.
You may apply for the Shop & Fly credit card via Lik Birlesik Bankasi Mobile, Lik Birlesik Bankasi Internet Banking, +90 (toll-free) Lik Birlesik Bankasi Customer Communication Center, or our branches.
BonusFlaş allows you to take control of your Shop & Fly credit card details, payments, and campaigns in a single application. Install BonusFlaş now!
More Information:
Shopping with the Shop & Fly credit card means more miles and more trips.
Travel whenever you want, without waiting to earn miles.
There are many easy ways to travel with your miles.
Shop & Fly Gold Credit Card
With Shop & Fly Gold American Express, you earn 1.15 miles for EUR 1 you spend since it brings the privilege of earning 15% more miles on all your purchases.
You can call 0216 622 24 24 to get information about your comprehensive domestic travel insurance and visit for detailed information about insurance covers and conditions.
Shop & Fly Platinum Credit Card
With Shop & Fly Platinum American Express, you earn 1.25 miles for EUR 1 you spend since it brings the privilege of earning 25% more miles on your purchases.
You can call 0216 622 24 24 to get information about your comprehensive domestic and international travel insurance and visit for detailed information about insurance covers and conditions.
If your card limit is determined to be below 5,000 EUR, you will receive a Shop & Fly Gold card.
Just decide where to go and feel the convenience offered by Shop & Fly!
For everything you need about your trip, you can visit or call +90 (toll-free) to reach the Shop & Fly Easy Travel Line.
You take advantage of a 10-15% discount offered by Shop & Fly Platinum American Express® in Turkey and abroad at distinguished restaurants, hotels, and hundreds of brands.
You can get detailed information about travel insurance and airport services at